Tufan Guven - Visual Introduction to Fractal FIELD Science - Dan Winter
Definition and
history of fractality and golden mean ratio with a lot of visuals. How is
golden ratio measured? How to make golden ratio rectangles and spirals?
Importance of
golden ratio in fractal fields.
What is a
bioactive field?
How do you
measure the life force?
differences in distribution vs isolation of charge fields.
Qualities of
the universal energy (charge).
Physics of
waves and forces.
Physics of
phase conjugation.
of platonic solids in compressional fields.
Geometry in Islam & Fractal IMPLOSION with Tufan Guven & Dan Winter
Tufan - the perfect marriage
of East and West (and healing of religion wars) - comes from understanding the
perfect beauty of the identical spiritual physics which is exactly behind BOTH
Eastern and Western religion and culture!
Star Mother
Kit from Dan Winter - 3D Fractality Perfected
Dan Winter -
Introduction to Implosion Physics
Part 1
Part 2
Dan Winter -
Phase Conjugation Fractality
Conjugate Fractality - Key to All Vacuum Coherence Energy
THE source of
ALL vacuum coherence/ zero point energy technology is phase conjugate
fractality- tuned precisely by golden ratio to planck ( meaning PLANCK is the
ONLY zero point). Also meaning- we can
now tune and perfect - EACH of the described - zero point vacuum coherence
technologies- using my new equation for this origin of biologic negentropy-
Planck x Integer exponents golden ratio (phase conjugation / fractality
Fractal Heart
of Physics- and the Stephen Hawkings Mistake
from Dan
Winter- Revolution in the Physics of Spiritual Science.
Plasma Fusion - Wave Physics- vs Human ONENESS Experience- with Dan Winter
We are working
deeply to make the specific connection between actual ALCHEMY / Isotope
Transition Physics- vs Cold Fusion- vs- the actual geometric science of creating
GROUP ONENESS EXPERIENCE (literally plasma fusion). We use John Dee's HYPERCUBE
design - widely thought to be the template for Shakespeare's (alchemic)
theater- and the Conjugate Opposing PAIRS OF EMOTIONS and SCENES in theater- to
describe how the whole theater at the end of the play experience's a group
identity FEELING FOR ALL - as if they were one with each character. The actual
plasma physics of cold fusion and isotope /charge collapse - is precisely the
physics of alchemy, of tantra and the alchemy of human oneness.
Fractal Physics and Zero Point Vacuum Coherence with Dan Winter
Course -150
min. Jan 10, 2016- Focusing on Phase Conjugate Centripetal Field Physics to
understand and electrically engineer vacuum coherence zero point energy tech -
Over Unity Parametric Amplification, -parallels to Keshe, Bedini - and
the original 'cold ' fusion physics.
Fractal Field
Physics Review - Dan Winter
We started
with the 'big picture- how refined attention(to the BA/longitudinal from the KA
aura coherence) develops to allow awareness into the lucid dream/'astral'/ and
thru death, - - we developed our physics model in some detail- why implosive
charge collapse- into(faster than light- perfectly distributed) -longitudinal
EMF -is not only precisely the cause of gravity and negentropy- and consciousness
itself-but this longitudinal embedding clearly underlies- spiritual
mythologies- like the collective unconscious etc, - We have set the stage for
next week when Mark Rohrbaugh will extend this physics - with equations - for
charge collapse geometry- illustrating how atomic geometry itself is proof that
the electron shells simply collapse into the nucleus BECAUSE they are
(platonically) fractal TO that nucleus- and the residual charge gets
accelerated by conjugation thru planck IN to longitudinal - directly producing
THE GRAVITY ( and conjugate negentropy- meaning we don't have to believe a
physics community who fatalistically condemn us to entropy.
Dan Winter -
Purpose of DNA
Cohering the
Vacuum - Zero Point Energy - Technology and the BIOLOGY of BLISS
implosive vacuum cohereing energy technology (wrongly called free energy)-
offers countless hardware devices- but ONE single principle which animates them
One of the
things we have learned- is that in spite of their being countless devices-
there is only one core principle which enables electrical success in cohereing the
vacuum. That principle is fractal phase conjugate negentropic charge
In this
presentation we review a significant number of zero point energy technologies-
many of which our ImplosionGroup.com may well lead the world in developing. There
are many reasons why developing these technologies without a comprehensive
understanding of core principles is disempowering and even dangerous. So our
task one- is self empowering education -of what vacuum energy IS- and
ultimately how the highest form of zero point energy access is quite literally
the empowering and immortalizing electrical nature of human bliss itself.
We conclude
with the demonstrated commercial success story example of our Theraphi.net
vacuum coherence- wellness plasma system- whose first evidence of success- is
bliss experience itself. Theraphi systems demonstrate their power to
electrically implode and condition the field of their environment- even when
switched off.
Biofeedback - Harmonic Keys with Patrick Botte
Winter- to
tell us more about the HRV/ Breath/ Heart Coherence / Brainwave sciences behind
our stunning array of the world's best IOS biofeedback apps. Patrick will
include stories like- his cutting edge sacro-cranial professional partners-
measuring how - when you simply listen to our worlds most powerful BLISS -
BINAURAL BEAT- with the phase accurate .1 hz - MAYER WAVE heterodyne (bodies MOST
important frequency - in the blood) - how you actually MEASURE when you have
success -putting that frequency IN to your spine liquid pump- which we KNOW is
the absolute platform upon which all bliss and kundalini ( healing
sacro-cranial) wave mechanics is based. Patrick will SHOW you the graphs- right
from our apps! Patrick also will have a major presentation series in South
Real Physics
of Ascension - Dan Winter - Science of Ascension
Ascension is
the charge radiance which results when the DNA is recursively braid imploded
with coherence bliss phonon EKG/EEG -That phase coherent embedding adds
superposed axes of spin symmetry 'the next dimension'.
Aura Building
- Science - Hygiene for Bliss, Dan Winter
Practical application and hygiene of spiritual physics to daily life. "
Did you ever wonder why the metal in your belt buckle or pockets- seems to get
abnormally warm- when you wear them. It is not just the mechanical heat they
pick up from your body - it is ALSO the capacitive charge which is the blood of
your aura- which is bleeding away into them! Did you ever wonder why- ancestor
visions, druid phone calls, and military telepathy can only happen at
(conjugate/ longitudinal embedded) Earth magnetic line crosses? Does this tell
you something about the ONLY correct places to have birth/ bliss and death?
Lets think about it. We get asked the question daily: what are the technologies
to duck from electrosmog. What is it about the charge of a 'sacred altar' that
really reduces electrosmog. Let's study the physics of GROUNDING (book:
"Earthing")- to UNDERSTAND the school behavior revolution that
happened in the one country where ALL THE CHILDREN IN SCHOOLS STOPPED WEARING
SHOES! Why did 3 people standing in line- at the bio store with me in Santa
Barbara- suddenly turn to ME to initiate a conversation just seconds after I
removed my shoes to let my moist feet touch the wood floor! - What is the
information theory physics behind grounding?? Why is it ultimately required
BEFORE you can really teach or sustain COMPASSION?
Biology of BLISS Science with Dan Winter
we will review
the 'conjugate'fractal' electric field nature of bliss/ peak perception /
ecstasy - then the main emphasis today will be the DEEP BIOLOGY OF KUNDALINI
from how cell metabolism fabricates the high quality UV 'cellular sex juice'.
and ADP/ATP microwave- to how the phonon lo frequency of coherent emotion -
makes the sacral cranial spine pump it- to the result effect on the high brain-
and body: effects on the environment- plasma projection - zero point access-
esoteric meaning and more. - Also -Beautiful Segment with Thomas Geckler and
the Theraphi.net team- describing Bliss Experience there..
Hygiene for Bliss: How to Switch on KUNDALINI with Dan Winter
Advanced and
more esoteric practices for raising the kundalini - role of sexual energy-
plumbing of the tailbone - etc - as Plasma Accelerator, - as Immortality
Machine, - as Bliss Cocoon, - as Solar Plasma Squirt Gun, - as Bioactive Field
Generator, - as 'Shem':Black Hole Access Device.., - As Plasma Wormhole
Dan Winter -
Light Your Own Fire
Project- Mullum Lectures 2 with Dan Winter
Dan Winter
Pure SelfOrganization Byron Lecture
Deep Science
of Bliss: Peak Perception / Kundalini with Dan Winter
Fractal Field Physics- Second-course with Dan Winter
Winter-Sacha Stone FacetoFace-Fractality+ Origins of Negentropy - Our Blood vs
ET History
Dan Winter -
Flame in Mind
Website –
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Flame in the
Mind: Waves of Inner Fire-ONE--with Dan Winter-Cognos Fest Barcelona 2013
BioArchitecture /Life Force Plasma Science with Dan Winter
Dan Winter-
Life Force Design, Sacred Architecture, FRACTAL GEOMETRY
A great 2009
presentation on Life Force Design! This is where we are going..
An age of
applied fractal architecture and technology.. where the energy is distributed
for life to grow and unfold as the intelligence of nature always intended.. GOD
is NATURE and NATURE is the very fractal relationships where charge is
compressed and distributed , received and transmitted.. through various
crystalline substances.. and biological materials which originate from the space
where all probability and potential resides. WE ARE SHAPED BY OUR ENVIRONMENT.
And our health relies on our environment. If our environment isn't fractal,
harmonic and in tune with the Universal, then the body has problems and today
we all have problems.. we all have pains and blockages and it is directly
linked to the energetic programming of our buildings, space, air, food,
societal consciousness... its all connected... so now we return to the divine
code.. the divine language which is our DNA transcript.. the pentagonal,
hexagonal, alignments which breathe the life force .. which distribute the
charge .. which direct the charge for constructive growth in cellular systems..
Dan Winter -
Biologic Architecture Sustaining Life Energy
Dan Winter is
most known as a teacher of Sacred Geometry and Coherent Emotion. His
invention's HeartTuner and BlissTuner have earned him literary credit
(book:'Instinct to Heal') for inventing the term Heart Coherence. Discovering
the harmonic content of compassion in EKG and bliss - even enlightenment in EEG
- lead him to a radical new physics: that IMPLOSION - the electrical -geometry of
fractality- is the cause BLISS - as it is the cause of gravity in general - and
the destiny of DNA in particular. He teaches that the hygiene for bliss -
creates fractal conditions (the sacred) defining the charge field which ignites
and matures DNA into BLISS. He has dedicated his life to teaching - and is
personally known around the entire Earth - with web presence (5 languages), 3
books, films and DVD's. His message is simple- the coherence in the aura field
- generated by fractal compression - called the KA in Egypt- is what creates
your vehicle for memory into death and the lucid dream. This immortalizing
potential in the charge created by blood on fire with bliss - is the real
message of ancient religion - the real physics of the grail - and the essential
good news at a time when the solar wind can only be steered by Sun God's. It is
not so hard to see thru the Sun like an eye. The physics is embedding, the
psychology is discovering that- like the birth canal-and what happens in DNA
during successful death, what emerges from perfect compression (implosion) is
only the SHAREABLE wave. Redefining pure intention - as the perfection of coherence
resulting from fractality - not only makes the physics of bliss measureable and
teachable - but actually a loving gentle story of the Sun inviting us home.
Cardinaux - Advanced Geobiology - Earth Grids - with Dan Winter
Fields-The Science - Third-course with Dan Winter
Fields and Spiritual Science with Dan Winter
2nd and climax
film of the Bioactive field (Jan 17,2016) course series with Dan Winter from
FractalU.com - goes with site BioActiveField.com -140
min. Electric science of pyramid rejuvenation, plasma projection, physics
of astrology, how agni hotra works, how death and rebirthing work
electrically - physics of 'grace'.. electric reason why access to a bliss
process self empowers your immune health & what electric field survives
death.. and more.
Bioactive Plasma Physics with Dan Winter
definition, Plasma Universe, Plasma as a media for phase conjugation, Conjugate
Plasma as mechanism for gravity AND Universal faster than light charge/ info
COMMUNICATION. WHY Theraphi (conjugate
implosive living plasma( is clearly testing as a device for delivering trapped
ghosts and entities. Meaning of stargate
HOW Theraphi
has been used to remove astral implants/ as well as trigger claivoyant aura
vision and facilitate aura diagnosis. WHY Theraphi is best when human attention
specifically steers (directs the low pressure point) the plasma tornado. Understanding
Theraphi's now proven ability to powerfully energize water. More on Theraphi's
yet unproven but huge potential to trigger seed germination / growth. WHY phase
conjugates are by definition - stem cell switching - basics of
de-dedifferentiation electrically (stem cell rooting) - is by definition the
origin point of a FRACTAL FIELD.
Kozyrev called
in Torsional- a real telepathy mechanism - Bearden called it scalar- yet the
only real precise wave mechanical language is phase conjugate production of
super luminal longitudinal EMF. Then
more advanced- WHY phase conjugate pump waves- solve matter / energy access-
WHY that pump wave is the reason hydrogen bombs create more energy than their
conventional equations allow. HOW plasmas like Theraphi and Vimana use
conjugate tech to access vacuum energy. HOW phase conjugate pump waves ARE zero
point energy access. From Tesla at Colorado Springs- learning that energy transmission without wires- is BECAUSE
Schumann harmonics ARE a conjugate pump wave- to Keshe and phase conjugation as
the solution to over unity parametric amplification ( Implosionamp.com ).
How the radio
of the vacuum - IS a conjugator- and WHY atomic implosions critical mass- is
always - affected by time with respect to planetary alignments (Cathie). The
real physics of astrology IS charge distribution optimized in a (conjugate )
fractal field.
Plasma Rejuvenation
- Healing Fields - The Science - from Tesla to Lakhovsky to Priore
Rejuvenation/ Healing Fields- The Science - from Tesla to Lakhovsky to Priore
to THERAPHI .." with Dan Winter - acknowledgement to Paul Harris and the
whole Theraphi team- the amazing course conversation covers the history and
science of profoundly healing fields- in a stimulating conversational way- with
great dialog and interactivity from all those who attended..
Rejuvenation Conference - Paul Harris, Dan Winter
hr-conference film Theraphi.net news, improvements, more on the history, actual
Theraphi users reports- including more on cold plasma- Theraphi- treating
addiction. treating autism, even treat seeds, water, healing oils..with
Theraphi plasma
Paul Harris
(with Dan Winter) - Longevity - Rejuvenation, Monoatomics & Practical
director, and
co-inventor- www.Theraphi.net plasma implosion-successful in about 20
countries-- Paul has a lifetime of experience doing and teaching practical
alchemy. He is famous for deeply exploring the connection between the ancient
mystical practices and wisdoms of alchemy-- precisely to modern - implosive
fusion, isotope transition physics, and non-destructive charge collapse- the
core of our fractal field conjugate physics curriculum. See what is on Paul's
mind- as he returns from his LA and Mexico lectures- preparing for his tour of
our summer conference series- www.fractalfield.com/2018 - including Prague,
Turkey and South France! The latest in plasma rejuvenation science, and our
work with Theraphi- and more. Course :Update from Paul Harris: Longevity
Technologies: From Ancient Times to Our Near Future-Human life span has been
getting longer for some time, but did you know that for our next generation,
some predict it to grow shorter? Join us for an overview of Longevity
Technologies, from the Ancient Taoists and Alchemists to the latest in
Nano-Tech. What's next? What are some of the social, political, economic
ramifications and how will they effect you personally? While some see many of
these so called "Disruptive Technologies" as a potential threat, Paul
sees them as change that's well over due, come and discover the answers to some
of these riveting questions.. How did the Taoists and Alchemists manage to live
for so long? Is your lifespan really hard coded in your DNA?
- Is it true
that stem-cells no longer have to be extracted from placentas or bone marrow?
In fact one
simple cosmetic procedure unknowingly throws tons of them away each year.
- What does
diet have to do with aging?
- Has there
been any discoveries in nano-technologies that will help us live longer?
- Can the
earth support such a large population with longer lifespans?
Paul has a
lifetime of experience practicing and teaching practical alchemy. He is famous
for deeply exploring the connection between the ancient mystical practices and
wisdom of alchemy from ancient to modern implosive fusion, isotope transition
physics, and non-destructive charge collapse- the core of our fractal field
conjugate physics curriculum. Let's see what is on Paul's mind- as he returns
from his LA and Mexico lectures- preparing for his tour of our summer conference
series including Prague, Turkey and South France! The latest in plasma
rejuvenation science, and our work with Theraphi- and more. ----Paul Harris is
an inventor and hands-on entrepreneur of 27 years founding and working with
various successful start ups in energy, medical and information technology
sectors, he's also an eclectic researcher and educator. He has taken a
multidisciplinary approach to life and has developed a deep knowledge-base in a
wide area of studies including Alternative Fuels, Energy Production and
Storage, Electronics, Chemistry, Plasma Physics, Water Technologies, Herbology
and Permaculture. Paul's inventions include various electro-medical devices,
water processing, petrochemical refining, waste to energy, oil sands
extraction, alternative fuels and energy scavenging systems. Paul has found
this diversity necessary in understanding the fundamental principles behind the
true workings of nature.
Dan Winter
Melbourne 2011- Plasma Fusion-The Geometry of Human Group Mind
Fractal Compression, Plasma Fusion-The Geometry of Human Group Mind ONENESS with
Dan Winter From the Sacred Geometry- wave shape of perfect implosive
compression: phase conjugation by Golden Ratio (Fractality)- we see the origin
of all centripetal forces-
-life force
-human bliss /
-origin of
COLOR and rainbow
AND- the real
physics of ALCHEMY and HUMAN FUSION... The lecture then concludes with a short
intro to the JOHN DEE meets SHAKESPHEARE- learning the PSYCHOLOGY OF ALCHEMY-
the group mind experience- theme of his plays.
Science of
Bliss and Kundalini - Biological Mechanics with Dan Winter and with Arie
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
his video is
part of the Science of Bliss and Kundalini series, it is good to follow all of
the videos to understand the material more thoroughly, for the full playlist
you can follow this link:
Arie is an
interdisciplinary artist, biodynamic breathwork facilitator, teacher of
psycho-spiritual practices such as healing tao qigong and meditation and
creator of Reconnective Dance. For more breath, movement and meditation
practice videos you can subscribe to the Heaven Earth Union Youtube channel:
Fractal Field
Physics Review-Dan Winter
our first
great course for 2018- great conversation- thanks for the stimulating group -
(slideshow link also there)- physics
update : www.fractalfield.com/physics We started with the 'big picture- how
refined attention(to the BA/longitudinal from the KA aura coherence) develops
to allow awareness into the lucid dream/'astral'/ and thru death, - - we
developed our physics model in some detail- why implosive charge collapse-
into(faster than light- perfectly distributed) -longitudinal EMF -is not only
precisely the cause of gravity and negentropy- and consciousness itself-but
this longitudinal embedding clearly underlies- spiritual mythologies- like the
collective unconscious etc, - We have set the stage for next week when Mark Rohrbaugh
will extend this physics - with equations - for charge collapse geometry-
illustrating how atomic geometry itself is proof that the electron shells
simply collapse into the nucleus BECAUSE they are (platonically) fractal TO
that nucleus- and the residual charge gets accelerated by conjugation thru
planck IN to longitudinal - directly producing THE GRAVITY ( and conjugate
negentropy- meaning we don't have to believe a physics community who
fatalistically condemn us to entropy.
Science, Meaning and Practice of Alchemy with Paul Harris and Dan Winter
Geometry of the Philosophers Stone
Deep Science
of Biologic Architecture with Dan Winter
Dan Winter -
The Eggs Files & Bliss Practice
Brief History
of God - Serious ET Origin's of Earth with Dan Winter
Djedi Physics
Explained - Serious ET history of religion and biology
Dan Winter
Plasma Rejuvenation Conference -
Paul Harris, Dan Winter
Advanced Bioactive Plasma Physics
with Dan Winter
Plasma Rejuvenation - Healing
Fields - The Science - from Tesla to Lakhovsky to Priore
Theraphi is a powerful double
conjugate plasma light / infrasound bioactive field. More detailed physics
behind Priore – and the precise conjugate physics of Theraphi Theraphi.net/static
The actual plasma tube arrangement
used for this ‘time reverse / rejuvenation’ conjugation is depicted with
remarkable accuracy in the Egyptian stone carving, It is phase conjugate,
centripetal, negentropic.
This kind of strong charge field
is by definition simply the electrical opposite of swelling, cyst and tumor
growth. It IS this charge distribution efficiency perfected by definition-
which is the electrical opposite of cancer. Theraphi – usually generates strong
feelings of being energized, metabolic acceleration, circulation and sensation
It is obvious that charge
circulation optimized clearly facilitates blood and nerve circulation
optimized. In disease cases of many types – there are many early reports of
very significant benefit. These are being replicated now by medical
Not just anti-swelling – it is
also known for increasing circulation and sensation in areas where these have
been limited or lost. With proven frequency emissions known and measured – it
uses a high voltage version of a special aligned plasma lamp pair- to
However, since it accelerates
metabolism and heart rate- and brings sacral cranial spine liquid pumping to
still point (turning point for healing in many cases), We recommend modest 3
minute sessions. The experience generally means you will NOT be sleepy for
quite a while.
In a large number of cases there
is also a feeling of bliss / euphoria introduced.
The Quantaphi™
Dan Winter
The Quantaphi™ is the latest
device created by the markers of the Theraphi™. Combining plasma and sound
healing technology, the Quantaphi provides a wide range of applications.
Included with the system is a Hi Fidelity audio amplifier with a wide range of
inputs. Two Tesla Coils, each one capable of driving several plasma tubes at
the same time as well as being able to act as two independent channels and two
plasma tubes which can be driven in various configurations by the Tesla Coils.