Sacred Geometry - Cymatics - Fractals


A walk-through mathematics

A film for a wide audience!

Nine chapters, two hours of maths, that take you gradually up to the fourth dimension. Mathematical vertigo guaranteed!


Cymatics - Cymatics - Bringing matter to life with sound

Highlights of Swiss scientist, Dr. Hans Jenny's pioneering experiments showing how audible sound can excite such diverse substances as lycopodium powder, iron filings, water, glycerin and turpentine into life-like, flowing forms. These patterns reflect a variety of forms found throughout nature, and viewing their dynamics elicits an intuitive understanding of the invisible forces which underlie natural processes, from the movements of amoebae to the formation of galaxies.


 Tufan Guven - Visual Introduction to Fractal FIELD Science - Dan Winter

Definition and history of fractality and golden mean ratio with a lot of visuals. How is golden ratio measured? How to make golden ratio rectangles and spirals?

Importance of golden ratio in fractal fields.

What is a bioactive field?

How do you measure the life force?

Symmetry differences in distribution vs isolation of charge fields.

Qualities of the universal energy (charge).

Physics of waves and forces.

Physics of phase conjugation.

Significance of platonic solids in compressional fields.


Sacred Geometry in Islam & Fractal IMPLOSION with Tufan Guven & Dan Winter

Tufan - the perfect marriage of East and West (and healing of religion wars) - comes from understanding the perfect beauty of the identical spiritual physics which is exactly behind BOTH Eastern and Western religion and culture!


Fractals: Hunting the Hidden Dimension

What do movie special effects, the stock market, and heart attacks have in common? They are connected by a revolutionary new branch of math called fractals, which changed the way we see the world and opened up a vast new territory to scientific analysis and understanding. Meet the mathematicians who developed fractals from a mere curiosity to an approach that touches nearly every branch of understanding, including the fate of our universe.


Arthur C. Clarke - Fractals - The Colors Of Infinity

The Mandelbrot Set - Including Beno Mandelbrot, Someone Has Called It The Thumbprint Of God - One Of The Most Beautiful And Remarkable Discoveries In The Entire History Of Mathematics. This Documentary Illustrates How Simple Formulas Can Lead To Complicated Results.


Sacred Geometry 101 - Charles Gilchrist

Charles Gilchrist shares his understanding of the root principles of Sacred Geometry in a sequential series of videos.


Nick Marchmont - An Introduction to Sacred Geometry

An illustrated introduction to the principles of Sacred Geometry growth and form.  From immune systems to galaxies.


Drunvalo Melchizedek - Sacred Geometry

Geometry Is The Morphogenic Structure Behind Reality, The Emblem Of Reality Throughout The Cosmos, Underlying Even Mathematics. Most Physicists and Mathematicians Feel That Numbers Are The Prime Language Of Reality, But It Is Shape That Generates All The Laws Of Physics. It Is Sometimes Called The "Language Of Light" And Sometimes The "Language Of Silence". Geometry Is A Language, A Language Through Which Everything Was Created. The Nature Of Geometry Is That It Is Absolutely Flawless, There Are No Accidents. It Continues To Unfold Until The Entire Universe Is Created. Every Single Part Of It Is Interlinked With Everything Else. You Can Start At Any Point And Generate The Whole Language Of Creation."


Bridging Heaven & Earth Show #69 Sacred Geometry

Jonathan, An Internationally Recognized Teacher, Healer, And Artist, A Universal Theme He Encountered Was The Presence Of Sacred Geometry. He Was So Inspired By The Beauty, Love, And Power Of Sacred Geometry. Jonathan Has Spent The Last Twelve Years Dedicated To The Study And Artistic Expression Of Sacred Geometry, Focusing Upon Deeper Understanding Of The Majesty Of Life.

Christa, Who Also Appeared On Show #29 With Oceanna, Has An Angelic Presence And Is A Powerful Healer Using Sound Technology For Awakening And Healing. She Has A Beautiful Voice And Her Sacred Toning Exercises Balance And Nurture The Soul And Heart. Christa Teaches Many Workshops Around The Country Using Sound To Heal.


“Ceremony is a Seed, Plant It” The Template

As the creation of a thousand forests is in one acorn, the map of the evolution of the Human entity into a sovereign being able to access any time or energy level in the universe is indelibly written into your genetic codes.

Your ability to activate and integrate the fullness of these codes is a question of energy pathways or electromagnetic circuits in the body.

The design and progression of The Template Ceremonies are a combination code which, through our natural resonance with Sacred Geometry, builds synergy with the vibratory infrastructure of the DNA, reconnecting bio-circuitry permanently.



One incursive perspective on axiomatic derivatives of experiential reality. Seeking a category for this work I coined a new one, Symbolic Performance Art.

The fundamental nature of quadrature relationships pervades all levels of existence: physical and spiritual directions, elements, ethers, mandalas, medicine wheels, labyrinths. The four quadrants emerge from the quintessence, and in reflection the quintessence emerges from the four quadrants when actively awakened.

The quintessence is the spirit in matter which animates us and inspires our curiosity about our place in reality. The four elements and four ethers combine to make seven stages, reflected in our chakras and our connections to the alchemical seven planets and noble metals.


Nassim Haramein - Black Whole

Join Nassim Haramein in this documentary about our origins and interconnectedness with the universe. He uses established science alongside his own revelations to explore life's phenomena.



Arthur Young was a mathematician and an engineer, a practical man who knew how, in the Yankee tradition of know-how, and as such was the most significant single figure in the development of the Bell helicopter. He was also a top-flight astrologer, a delver into myths and dreams, a long-term investigator of PSI phenomena but, more importantly, the elaborator of what may be the first theory that unifies consciousness, physics and the life sciences: the Theory of Process, described in his two volume work, The Reflexive Universe and The Geometry of Meaning.

Stan Tenen - First Light An Introduction To Meru Foundation Research

The Meru Project is based on 30 years of research by Stan Tenen into the origin and nature of the Hebrew alphabet, and the mathematical structure underlying the sequence of letters of the Hebrew text of Genesis. The Project is sponsored by the Meru Foundation, registered California 501(c)(3) private nonprofit research and educational corporation founded in 1983. The Meru Project has discovered an extraordinary and unexpected geometric metaphor in the letter-sequence of the Hebrew text of Genesis that underlies and is held in common by the spiritual traditions of the ancient world. This metaphor models embryonic growth and self-organization. It applies to all whole systems, including those as seemingly diverse as meditational practices and the

mathematics fundamental to physics and cosmology...Meru Project findings demonstrate that the relationship between physical theory and consciousness, expressed in explicit geometric metaphor, was understood and developed several thousand years ago.


Stan Tenen - Meru Foundation Lecture Series

These lectures by Stan Tenen were recorded over a ten-year period, from 1989 (Geometric Metaphors of Life) through 1999 (Squaring the Circle). Together, the programs present a dynamic picture of the development of Meru Foundation research.


Stan Tenen - The Thinking Allowed Interviews

Three-hour interview with Stan Tenen by Dr. Jeffrey Mishlove on his series THINKING ALLOWED, which is syndicated on many PBS stations.


Stan Tenen - The Works 7 Video Plus All Bonuses

Includes Seven DVD's: Geometric Metaphors of Life, Coat of Many Colors, Matrix of Meaning for Sacred Alphabets, Dance of the Hebrew Letters, Alphabet in our Hands, Alphabet in our Hands - Part Two, Squaring the Circle, PLUS our half-hour video sampler First Light, AND Two Music CD's: "FIRST SOUND(tm): The Music of Genesis," and "Three Orchestral Works by Daniel Gil"


The First Verse, An Introduction to Meru Foundation Research

The Meru Project is based on 40 years of research by Stan Tenen into the origin and nature of the Hebrew alphabet, and the mathematical structure underlying the sequence of letters of the Hebrew text of Genesis.   Meru research findings are potentially world changing.

The Meru Project has discovered an extraordinary and unexpected geometric metaphor in the letter-sequence of the Hebrew text of Genesis that underlies and is held in common by the spiritual traditions of the ancient world. This metaphor models embryonic growth and self-organization. It applies to all whole systems, including those as seemingly diverse as meditational practices and the mathematics fundamental to physics and cosmology...Meru Project findings demonstrate that the relationship between physical theory and consciousness, expressed in explicit geometric metaphor, was understood and developed several thousand years ago.

The Project is sponsored by the Meru Foundation, registered California 501(c)(3) private nonprofit research and educational corporation founded in 1983.


The Tree of Abraham, An Organic Model of Western Civilization

A film by Bill Haber based on the poster and article by Stan Tenen posted at


Episode One: A Prayer For Peace

The Alphabet That Changed The World, A Video Companion

- Jerusalem, 1967

- Ezekiel 37:15-26 — the “Stick of Judah” and the “Stick of Ephraim” — Peace in the Land

- The Scientific Method

- From “Light in the Meeting Tent” to the First Hand model 

- The Golden Rule points to our central geometric metaphor: the Inverted-T


Episode Two: Form Follows Function

- The primary distinction: Inside and Outside, and the letter Bet

- Arthur M. Young’s 7-stage Theory of Process:

Our 9-stage expansion maps Hebrew letter meanings

- Form follows function; Hand-gestures express internal meaning.

- The Meru “First Hand” model

- Flocking, schooling, the prayer minyan, and emergent consciousness


Episode 3: Autocorrelation of the First Verse of Genesis

A video companion to The Alphabet That Changed The World by Stan Tenen.  This is a demonstration of how the letters of the first verse of the Hebrew text of Genesis pair up to produce a symmetrical pattern and generate models recognizable in consciousness and physics.


Spirit Science

Spirit Science is a platform for the evolution of consciousness! Weaving science and spirituality together to find the deeper meaning behind the mysteries of life, and change the world in the process!